It is an entity, or management within the government institutions and it is one of the most important modern entities in institutional development, where everything related to the work of the foundation’s projects and programs is placed within its powers. The main function is to manage and improve the performance of projects in the organization. The PMO has several forms:
Supportive (only supportive of project management methodologies)
Controlling (take a more controlling role in managing these projects)
Directive (directly manage these projects)

The main objectives of building a project management office (PMO) in governmental institutions:
- Moving from personal vision and individual diligence to effective institutional work in project management.
- Building a unified technical system for planning, managing, implementing and following up the government institutions projects.
- Developing and building methodologies, templates, and policies for managing projects in government institutions.
- Develop a unified methodology for managing and implementing projects within these institutions.
- Assist project managers in managing their projects in accordance with international best practices.
- Governance of all projects, programs, and portfolios, to save wasted millions.
- Achieving the strategic objectives of the organizations, by prioritizing the projects portfolio.
- Transfer of expertise and increase knowledge among the project management team in the government institutions.
Steps to build a project management office (PMO) in governmental institutions
- Conducting introductory courses to explain best practices in managing government institutions projects.
- Measuring the institutional maturity of the Project Management Office in the government institutions
- Conducting workshops, meetings, interviews, questionnaires, and some analyses to find out the actual reality of the level of maturity in project management in these institutions.
- Determining the scope of the defect existing in these institutions in the project management offices, and drawing an illustrative of this defect.
- Developing a vision of how to upgrade project management methodologies in these institutions, and building the required capabilities.
- Discussing with specialists about determining what kind of project management offices (PMO) will be implemented.
- Develop implementation strategies and the timetable for their implementation.
- Implementation and assigning tasks to the advisory team.
- Started installing the project management software
- Conducting periodic meetings with Stakeholders and submitting periodic reports on work progress.
- Transfer of knowledge by training the client team to manage the project management office.
- Project delivery, with all recommendations for continuous improvement.